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Filling and Capping with Sorter Line to Package Honey

Complete Automatic Rotary Filling & Capping with Sorter


One of America’s finest and most renowned manufacturers of honey.


Cozzoli was tasked with customizing a line to package honey in 25 varied sized and shaped containers with 4 different caps and required speeds of up to 120 bottles per minute.


Given the required speeds for the project, the wide variety of containers to be used and the limited space available/need for a relatively small footprint, the team agreed to customize our 8-head Rotary Piston Filler Monoblock, which would incorporate our partner’s 4-head Automatic Rotary Turret Capper with a WSI Sorter.

Customer Case Studies

From pharmaceutical to food & beverage applications, Cozzoli offers a variety of filling and packaging solutions for numerous industries. Learn about some recent customer applications and how we incorporated our products to fulfill their needs.


Gallon-Sized Filling and Packaging Line

Learn about how we incorporated filling, capping, labeling, and case packing into a full line for one of our recent projects.


Onion Skin Ampoule Filling and Sealing

Learn about a recent customer application that required trace amounts of product to be filled and sealed into ampoules using our FPS monoblock.

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